
Posts Tagged ‘breastfeeding’

Hmmm a little dèja vu it would seem?  YESSSSS!!!!!!  Thats right, it is. 

Yesterday was the reschedule for the surgery that was supposed to take place June 20th.  Again we made all the arrangements and I was getting ready when the phone rang.  It was Dave so I thought surely, he’s just calling to remind me to bring something… eh…. not so. 

Dave:  “Babe, whats going on?”

( I was agitated and stressed trying to get everything done) 

Me: “Nothing, I’m just trying to get everything ready to go and I’m behind where I need to be.”

Dave: “Well you’re not going to be very happy with me when I tell you that we’ve had a bomb threat and the whole hospital is in lockdown, no one is coming in or going out.”

Me: “ARE YOU SERIOUS!?  YOU’VE GOT TO BE JOKING- A BOMB THREAT????!!!!!!!!” (laced with a few other colorful words…)

Dave: “Yes, I’m serious and no, I’m not joking.  They are probably not going to be able to do the surgery now.  I’d call the office”

So thats about how it went.  I immediately got off the phone and called Dave’s wonderful mom, who had AGAIN, taken off work.  At this point there was no reason to call the surgeons office- they’d been rude the day before and I knew the girl wouldnt know anything… So Rose and I talked.  Poor woman, she’s going to have to tell her boss that again, it didnt happen!  She (hysterically) said, “At least this one will be on the news!”  Her boss must think this is some joke that I just keep not having it!  But like she said, at least this one would be on the news so there was a legitimate reason for it to be cancelled.  Not that I’m some weirdo who likes to tell everyone she’s having surgery and then cancel, twice.

Once again, this is turning out to be a good thing.  Its hard to see that initially when I hear, “there is a bomb threat”.  There’s all the preparation and getting things in order, not to mention the mental and emotional stress.  But, those are all so minute in light of a human life and the way things are supposed to work out.  We have people watching out for us and we know it… Here’s a brief synopsis of the great reasons it didnt happen yesterday.

So, if you’ve read previous posts, I have H. pylori.  I’ve now finished the meds that are supposed to get rid of it and will hopefully be able to take the test to see if its gone before I have surgery.  Obviously if I’d had surgery yesterday this would have not happened.  The test will be a lot easier to take before surgery.  I’ll spare details, but lets just say, either way it wont be pleasant, but if it was after surgery, it would be miserable.

If you have not heard, I had a CT scan and they found 2 other hernias as well as a cyst on my right ovary.  I had an ultrasound done Tuesday on the cyst and will hopefully have the results back by Monday.  If this needs to be removed, they should be able to just get it while they’re in there doing everything else, instead of having to go in and do another procedure later.  They should also be able to hopefully get the hernias. Hallelujah to one surgery/procedure-i.e. twelve birds with one stone.   If we had surgery done yesterday, chances are my surgeon would not have even glanced at the CT scan and done anything about any of the other problems.

 I also will get another two weeks of nursing Charli exclusively.  Her and me.  No bottle.  No formula.  No one else.  One of my favorite things about having a baby is breastfeeding.   Sounds a little whack(or crunchy 😉   ), but its the greatest bonding.  Its a comfort to her, and to me, cause I know NO one else can do what I can.  All this, and its a DANG good excuse to sit and do nothing for a half hour, four or five times a day!  🙂

Probably the best thing about postponing:  I’ve been having a hard time figuring out if all this is the right thing to do.  Its very confusing and very frustrating.  There’ve been naysayers all around and people putting their opinions in without knowing everything.  Its just been really hard.  And not just on me.  Dave and I talk about it all the time, running through every scenario and its REALLY stressful.   I don’t want to put anyone out by needing all this help, I dont want to exhaust my sweet mother in law, who continues to take off work, plan meals for us, and take care of Tori and Charli if we want/need. Nor does my amazing husband need to be exhausted either. (I guess too late on that one!)  Its hard on me.  Its hard on the kids and its not fun or a picnic going through recovery.  After the last cancellation I felt really good like we were doing the right thing, then as the date neared, I just kept getting a nagging feeling it wasnt.  When I finally got the appointment time of the surgery I really felt confused.  I prayed and immediately had insane pain, throbbing in my stomach.  So I knew I still needed to have it done.  But still there was something not right.  Then when Dave called yesterday it was just another confirmation, in a very big way.  Dave said, “Well apparently we’re REALLY not listening cause God has warned us and given you these feelings of confusion and everything else and now he says, ‘Ok, you’re not listening, I’m going to send someone to threaten to blow up the building.  Is that big enough!?’  ”  So yes, it was big enough for me this time. 

I figured it out that we need to switch surgeons.  We’ve not been impressed with Dr. Vargo and he’s just the typical “I know everything, I dont have time to listen to your concerns” doctor.  He’s really bothered me a couple times and so for whatever reason, he’s not the right guy for the job.  In retrospect, it seems as though God already told us this when he made the man deathly ill the last time it was scheduled.  Anyway, Dave gave me the number of a doctor’s office and a nice girl named Joanna gave me some great references, in order of who she liked best, then who would have the most open schedule.  I called one of the offices and another girl named Andrea (who knows Dave and apparently thinks he’s great) worked us in to come in Tuesday and then hopefully (3rd times a charm) we’ll have surgery July 17th.  He gets paid 1/5 of what Dr Vargo does, so maybe that will translate into some humility.  He did his residency at Stanford and Andrea said he’s just a great person- drastic change from previously.

So, I’m excited.  Now all we have to do is get Tori to stay out of trouble.  She is such a funny kid, but man she’s faster than lightning, and I swear I need 12 hands and 20 pairs of eyeballs to keep her out of everything. 

Monday, she drank Spray ‘n’ Wash.  I called poison control, and apparently if it has enzymes(YAY, the one we have did) its not *all* that bad to drink it.  I monitered her for an hour and they called back to check and said she should be just fine if she had not vomited.  Well that same day she bit Charli.  I was on the phone with Dave letting him know about the Spray ‘n’ wash incident and turned around to Charli screaming and Tori hiding under the pillow on the bed…    

Tuesday she said a swear word- no doubt from me- and Dave sarcastically said something about washing her mouth out with soap and we laughed cause she’d already done that to herself! 

WELLLLLL…. today, I was on the phone with a friend from Oklahoma.  I probably should not have talked so long, but she’s like a mom to me and I havent spoken to her other than email, since I was 17.  So anyway, Tori came up while I was on the phone and showed me what I thought was chocolate all over her fingers… NOT SO MUCH!  IT WAS POOP!  She had pooped her pants and for some reason needed to taste it.  I thought I was going to hurl!  She herself was near throwing up.  I’m just glad I’m not a midget cause if I had not had the two extra feet above her little fingers we would have been cleaning up puke as well…  So she gagged all the way to the bathroom where we washed her hands thoroughly and her face and then had her drink some water and got the south end of things cleaned up.  It was not fun.  Thankfully poison control did not hear from us for the 2nd time in a week! I knew a girl whose little girl did the same thing and she had called poison control about what to do, and they said that as long as its her own fecal matter, its ok!  GREAT…. lets just not make this a habit.  I’m sure she was just bored.  I’m never on the phone that long and normally we have “us” time, so that was probably it.  None the less eating poop is NOT a great way to get attention.  Tonight she went to bed very early cause she didn’t take a nap and Dave said, “I feel bad, she didnt really eat dinner.”  I retorted, “Dave, she ate her own poop today, what more could she need!?”  Just kidding…

 We hope everyone’s lives are going great.  Happy 4th to everyone.  No matter the ridiculous politics in this country, its still a great place to live and a nation I’m proud to be part of.  Dave and I are especially grateful for the brave people who serve in the military so pansies like us dont have to.  Our neighbor Melissa, my high school friends in Oklahoma, and previously, Dave’s dad, as well as his grandpa, who is a WWII vet.   Amazing people that do it, so we dont have to. 

ALSO- Happy Birthday to Granny(belated) and Grandpa Ralph and both Grandma and Grandpa Payne.  Jesslyn, Aunt YaYa and Uncle Dave miss you- Happy Birthday(be nice to your mom!) 🙂    Also, Savanna, wooooooo-hoooooo you’re LEGAL NOW!  I love you!  And of course everyone else that we know that has or has had a birthday, it just seems like they’ve come up so fast and there is a slew of them between the end of June and July!

Alright, again, this is why I dont write posts- cause they’re forever long.  I’ll shut up.  Have a good day, and c’mon people… don’t forget to leave us a comment so we can see who actually reads this thing! 


The Paynes

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